Q: Can the spouse of a Veteran be admitted to THVC?
A: You must be a Veteran to qualify for admission to any Kentucky State Veteran home.
Q: Can I be placed on the waiting list before I submit my application?
A: You must submit your application and all the required documentation before you are placed on the waiting list.
Q: Does Medicare or Medicaid pay for my stay at THVC?
A: THVC accepts Medicaid or Medicare payments for certain qualified stay situations. Contact our financial office for details.
Q: If I am Service Connected, does this get me in faster or give me priority for admission to THVC?
A: All decisions for admission are based on nursing care needs and the urgency of each individuals' situation.
Q: How long does it take to get admitted to THVC?
A: We process the applications as quickly as possible and fill our beds as soon as they become available.
Q: Does THVC have a locked psychiatric unit?
A: We are not licensed for psychiatric nursing care.
Q: Who do I call at THVC if I have financial questions?
A: A: Leann Roberge, (859) 858-2814, Ext. 251
Q: Can I bring my car/truck to THVC?
A: Personal vehicles are not permitted at THVC.
Q: What can I bring with me to THVC?
A: For an idea of what to bring once admitted see What to Bring [337KB].
Q: Does THVC have any Assisted Living apartments?
A: We are strictly a nursing home; only those Veterans who require nursing care by a registered nurse, qualify to stay at THVC.
Q: Does THVC accept Veterans who are on a ventilator?
A: We do not accept ventilator patients.